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130 Tornadoes in 5 days

There were over 130 Tornadoes the past 5 days in the central US, mostly in Trump voting states Kansas and Missouri. Perhaps next election they’ll support someone who doesn’t deny...

Facebook and Google Underwater by 2100

Employees at Facebook and Google headquarters will eventually need to work in scuba gear according to a new study that finds sea levels may rise two meters in the next...

Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2017

Flickr user Antti Lipponen has created a number of scary visualizations of NASA GISTEMP data illustrating the beginning of centuries of hell on earth. It’s pretty clear to see the...

Highest CO2 level in over 800,000 years

CO2 levels in Earth’s atmosphere hit a record high 415 ppm. That’s more CO2 than any level previously measured in Antarctic ice core samples. Of course this record isn’t very...

Wettest 12 months in US history

The wettest 12-month period in history was recorded in the continental United States which included a “bomb cyclone”, blizzards and torrential rainstorms. Many communities were hit by disastrous flooding with...

Extremely severe cyclone Fani hits India

With wind speeds as high as 200km per hour Fani was categorized as an “Extremely severe cyclone”. Over a million people were evacuated. Severe cyclones in the Bay of Bengal...