Tag cyclone

Extremely severe cyclone Fani hits India

With wind speeds as high as 200km per hour Fani was categorized as an “Extremely severe cyclone”. Over a million people were evacuated. Severe cyclones in the Bay of Bengal...

Tag floods

Facebook and Google Underwater by 2100

Employees at Facebook and Google headquarters will eventually need to work in scuba gear according to a new study that finds sea levels may rise two meters in the next...

Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2017

Flickr user Antti Lipponen has created a number of scary visualizations of NASA GISTEMP data illustrating the beginning of centuries of hell on earth. It’s pretty clear to see the...

Highest CO2 level in over 800,000 years

CO2 levels in Earth’s atmosphere hit a record high 415 ppm. That’s more CO2 than any level previously measured in Antarctic ice core samples. Of course this record isn’t very...

Wettest 12 months in US history

The wettest 12-month period in history was recorded in the continental United States which included a “bomb cyclone”, blizzards and torrential rainstorms. Many communities were hit by disastrous flooding with...

Tag bayarea

Facebook and Google Underwater by 2100

Employees at Facebook and Google headquarters will eventually need to work in scuba gear according to a new study that finds sea levels may rise two meters in the next...

Tag tornadoes

130 Tornadoes in 5 days

There were over 130 Tornadoes the past 5 days in the central US, mostly in Trump voting states Kansas and Missouri. Perhaps next election they’ll support someone who doesn’t deny...

Tag climatechange

2021 Heatwaves

Historians may very well remember 2020 as the official first year of centuries of hell on earth. Record breaking heat, fires, climate disasters, and a global pandemic really kicked things...

Record Fire Season

Fire season has just begun and already records are being set. The August complex broke the record for the largest fire in California history. Six of the top 20 largest...

Summer climate events

More than 13,000 lightning strikes in California this august started hundreds of fires. So far this year 7,000 fires in California have burned 1.4 million acres, and there are currently...

Finishing 2019 with a burn

As 2019 comes to an end Australia burns and Sydney is choked with smoke. This year over 120,000 records were broken by extreme weather incidents and failing ocean currents are...

Climate change denial is anti-military

Climate change denial is anti-military and anti-American. The United States military has conducted a few studies of climate change and how it will affect the United States and the military....

Only 30 years of Civilization left

We might not last long enough to enjoy centuries of hell according to a new report by the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration. Human civilization might be over in...

Tag FleshEatingBacteria

Flesh eating bacteria found in seafood

In addition to mercury and plastic, your seafood might now also contain potentially deadly flesh eating bacteria, thanks to climate change and warmer temperatures. Five people in New Jersey have...

Tag RecordTemperature

Hottest temperate ever recorded in France

A village in southern France hit 45.9C (114.6F), the hottest temperature ever recorded in France. Europe has been experiencing a hellish summer that meteorologists say is the new normal. Five...

Tag allergies

Climate change brings extreme allergies

If you’ve been struggling with allergies this year, you can look forward to even longer and more intense allergy seasons thanks to climate change. According to the Center for Disease...

Tag KillerHeat

Record Alaskan heatwave kills thousands of Salmon

Enjoy wild Alaskan salmon while you can. This summer an Alaskan heatwave has killed thousands of sockeye, chum and pink salmon. The unprecedented die-off was unlike anything scientist have ever...

Killer heat in the US

The Union of Concerned Scientists released a new report and interactive map describing how killer heat will affect counties in the US. The above image shows the predicted average days...

Tag MassExtinction

Record Alaskan heatwave kills thousands of Salmon

Enjoy wild Alaskan salmon while you can. This summer an Alaskan heatwave has killed thousands of sockeye, chum and pink salmon. The unprecedented die-off was unlike anything scientist have ever...

Tag ClimateChangeCosts

Facts show increase cost of climate change

Since the 1980s, climate catastrophes and the associated costs in the United States have been steadily increasing. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), weather events costing more...

Tag globalwarming

2021 Heatwaves

Historians may very well remember 2020 as the official first year of centuries of hell on earth. Record breaking heat, fires, climate disasters, and a global pandemic really kicked things...

Record Fire Season

Fire season has just begun and already records are being set. The August complex broke the record for the largest fire in California history. Six of the top 20 largest...