Climate change denial is anti-military

Climate change denial is anti-military

Climate change denial is anti-military and anti-American. The United States military has conducted a few studies of climate change and how it will affect the United States and the military. The latest report by the U.S. Army War College in partnership with NASA paints a bleak picture of the possible collapse of the US military within the next 20 years due to increasing conflicts caused by climate catastrophes like disease, sea level rise, and water shortages. They found that US infrastructure is woefully unprepared to handle climate change, which could cause food distribution systems and our antiquated power grid to break down completely. The report also examined California’s recent power outages and predicts that shutdowns may become increasingly common and spread across the country. Imagine living in a United States that can’t provide consistent power, how will you cook, store your food, or work?

The Syrian war was also mentioned as an example of what to expect from future climate conflicts. Triggered by a major draught, the Syrian war reduced the Syrian population by 10% and produced millions of refugees that destabilized Europe. According to the report, Bangladesh could become the next climate conflict, but it’s also not hard to imagine record high temperatures, disease, and sea level rise triggering conflicts in Central America that cause an unending flood of climate refugees seeking safety in the United States.

This isn’t the first such study produced the by US Military, and it won’t be the last. When you deny climate change, you are denying the hard work and research that our soldiers have conducted to try to keep us all safe. When you deny their findings, you are putting not only your life at risk, but also the lives of all of the young men and women who are serving to protect our country and make our world a safer place. It’s time to stop denying the facts and listen to our military and our scientists and start fighting the biggest conflict we have ever faced. The alternative is centuries of hell on earth.

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