Finishing 2019 with a burn

Finishing 2019 with a burn

As 2019 comes to an end Australia burns and Sydney is choked with smoke. This year over 120,000 records were broken by extreme weather incidents and failing ocean currents are dangerously near disrupting global weather patterns.

The UN gave us a bleak report on emissions forecasts, and then the world collectively failed to take any meaningful action at the UN climate change conference COP25.

2019 will be remembered as the year the youth tried and failed to rise up and save their future. The big money is still firmly in charge with no plans to change anything. Greed triumphs yet again over logic and sensibility, and we can look forward to another year of record breaking extremes, destruction of capital, climate refugees and failure to act. The only question is will our downfall continue gradually, or will a catastrophic event like the failure of global weather patterns quickly push us over a catastrophic cliff?

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